Material Handling+

Simplified Pricing, Easy To Budget

Easy to Choose

Exhibitors can choose to ship to the advance warehouse (if available) or direct-to-show at the same cost.

Simple to Calculate

Material handling costs are easy to calculate. Exhibitors multiple the weight of the shipment by the appropriate rate provided.

Cost Certainty

A shift in measurement from per hundredweight to weight per pound and three simple rates makes budgeting material handling easy.

Simplified Pricing:
Pounds x Rate = Cost

Shipments of 25 lbs. or more

Standard Rate

  • Arrives during posted date range
  • Ship direct-to-show or advance warehouse* (if available)

Non-Standard Rate

  • Arrives outside posted date range
  • Ship direct-to-show or advance warehouse* (if available)
Shipments of less than 25 lbs.
  • Flat Rate
  • Arrives anytime
  • Ship direct-to-show

*Exhibitors can utilize the advance warehouse (if available) to store materials for up to 30 days prior to the show and have freight ready by exhibitor set-up.

GES Plus Series

The industry’s broadest simplification project across multiple exhibitor services and product offerings. GES is dedicated to simplifying the exhibitor experience. ​

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